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Wildlife and Elegance

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Wildlife and Elegance

Date Dec 2021
Location Tisbury Wiltshire
Category Residential
Project details: 

A blank canvas new build garden converted into a stylish entertaining area, with a bespoke water feature inspired by the font water feature in Salibsury cathedral and wildflower meadow areas to enhance the sense of escapism.

Meadow areas are underplanted with a mix of Alliums and Camassia to bring early seasonal colour to these low mainteance wilder areas. A mown path through the meadow leads to a semi-hidden seating area in the shade of roof-form crab apple trees (Malus Evereste), which have a snowy covering of white flowers in spring followed by hundreds of tiny bright red apples which look stunning against a sharp blue autumn sky.

The water feature was designed from scratch to bring light and reflection into the darker side of the garden. It traverses two levels and a border edge and passes below pleached hawthorn trees (Crataegus Paul's Scarlet) which create an almost invisible raised division separating the first border from the rest of the garden.

Planting is designed to harmoise with the widlflower areas and includes pollinator-friendly plants such as Achillea credo, Digitalis ferruginea and Agastache Blackadder. The standard post and rail fence was replaced with a cleft chestnut fence to enhance the connection to the countryside beyond the gardens boundaries.

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