Following extensive hard landscaping to create tiers around this newly extended stonehouse farmhouse I was invited to design the planting for two large borders on the north-facing side of the house and create ideas to enhance a large west-facing patio overlooking open countryside.
To compliment the beautiful greenstone used in the walls of the farmhouse and the retaining walls of the garden an elegant green and white planting scheme was devised with yew cubes to give structural rhythmn. Contrasting foliage forms, including hosta, Hakonechloa and Actea, were used to create optimal green interest. Hydrangea Limelight planted in groups of three were deployed to create a stunning splash of cream and white highlighted by the vertical spires of Veronicastrum and Rogersia.
At the side a large patio had been created with two thin side border strips. As the site was very exposed I designed two yew hedges, each being a double-line hedge formed in overlpaping waves to reflect the soft rolling contours of the surounding countryside. Gaps were introduced into the inner half of each hedge to allow for the introduction of elegant, tall feature pots. At the end of the patio two sections were planted sculpturally and simply with Deschampsia, whose golden seedheads should catch the setting sun, and two ornamental hawthorns.
The next stage of design and planting is for a sheltered kitchen garden with espalier fruit trees, standard bay trees, lavender and herbs.
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