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Country garden from a driveway

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Design starts to become reality...

garden design dorset

Two months later...

Country garden from a driveway

Date Mar 2018
Location Dorset
Category Residential
Project details: 

To the front of this house close to the border between Wiltshire and Dorset was a large paved area abutting parking at the end of the long drive and this formed the view from most of the house windows.  Whilst parking was to be retained for up to 5 cars I sought to create a more pleasant outlook from the house that also offered a better visual connection with the long main lawn area to the side. the design created a courtyard setting with an outdoor dining area and borders and paths set on angles using the shapes of the large bay windows. Planting here has a strong evergreen content to provide a full look all year as this section of garden will be viewed by both inhabitants and guests all year; there are also many scented plants to make the most of the secuded setting. A low boundary beech hedge conceals cars from this part of the garden and provides shelter from wind. An old stone trough belonging to the client is being recommisioned as a water feature.

Between the courtyard and lawn we are creating a secondary outdoor 'lounge' with perimeter pergola over which honeysuckles will clamber to provide scent and shade. 

To the side where there is a lawn running alongside the long driveway where we are excavating a level croquet lawn out of the existing slope, with a long border alongside from which flowers can be cut for indoor arranegements.   

Landscaping commenced February 2018 and is due for completion in April.

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