Garden design advice offers those unready to commit to a full set of scale plans the chance to dip their toes in the water. After 23 years designing, building and planting gardens, I now work right across Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire.
A consultancy session is a full, in-depth service that looks at all aspects of your dream garden both practically and aesthetically. It is a charged for service but it can prevent many costly errors. I will visit your home to review your existing garden and what you would like to achieve. I can then provide on-the-spot advice followed by a report summarising the recommendations we have made with proposals for next steps.
The fee for consultancy is based on an hourly rate plus travel expenses but there is a mimimum charge of £350 (+ VAT) for the first 1 1/2 hours, £75 per hour thereafter. Travel is included within 15 miles of Shaftebsury, £1 per mile thereafer. This will include preparation of a report with recommendations and an action plan, as required. Please call Robert Kennett on 07968 113546 for further details.
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